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Publicity agency/Marketing
agency/Creative agency/Agency/Agenture

In very many European countries, Xtreme Concepts Roadshows works pretty much through the recognized and most prestigious agencies that are the valued and necessary intermediary between our common end client and Xtreme Concepts Roadshows. After all, the agency works with and knows the end client through and through and is obviously fully familiar with the specific desiderata & objectives of this client.

Step 1 of a roadshow usually starts with the agency as a creative idea "out of the box" to engage in "Mobile Marketing" through a Roadshow.

From the beginning and throughout the rest of the process, they provide special added value in the cooperation with Xtreme Concepts Roadshows and in the supervision of the Roadshow.

This team up, partnership and intense collaboration starts already with the preparation of the correct desiderata, briefing, wishes and analysis, whereby Xtreme Concepts Roadshows very willingly proposes guidance from the beginning with the preparation of the correct briefing, this with very targeted and specific questions.


  • How long do you want to be on roadshow ?
  • Which region do you wish to visit ?
  • Are you planning several stops in one day ?
  • Is it a B2B or a B2C project ?
  • What kind of locations do you wish to visit ?
  • Do you wish to have a Self-Drive vehicle for a Roadshow on your own ?
  • Would you like a promotional vehicle with our driver - project manager ?
  • ...

Curious about a customized roadshow for your client? Get in touch with us.

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Naturally, our guidance is completely non-committal and absolutely confidential. In very many cases we therefore draw up - at the agency's request - a Non Disclosure Agreement between the agency and Xtreme Concepts Roadshows. This guarantees the highest level of confidentiality.

It is evident that the end client is and remains the agency's client in the first instance as soon as we have received the necessary information. This goes without saying as soon as we know the ins and outs of the project.

The agency is always welcome with or without the customer at our premises and central depot in Antwerp. This is located at the following address:

Xtreme Concepts Roadshows Warehouse
Dynamicalaan 14
B-2610 Wilrijk - Antwerp

One of our roadshow architects will gladly and personally pick you up by car at Brussels airport or Antwerp Central Station. From there, you will be at our Roadshow depot in less than 20 minutes.
From Paris Gare du Nord there is a perfect train connection so that a visit can be planned in one day.

During this non-binding visit, we can present the different promotional vehicles and explain their specific characteristics. This of course always on behalf of your agency. One image says more than a 1000 visit is more efficient than 1000 images.

After the visit, the success rate to effectively move the project forward is many times higher. Indeed, if your prospect takes the effort and time to visit us together with the agency, you can consider the interest as very serious.

Finding and booking the right location for your roadshow is often no mean feat. Certain locations require timely applications to the relevant authorities.

After all, our rich past and extensive experience has also ensured that we have a very extensive database in various European countries. After all, we don't have to reinvent the wheel twice. Depending on whether you are looking for a B2B location in a professional industrial environment or rather a popular high-traffic B2C location, we can certainly exchange experiences, tips and ideas, with the agency retaining the lead of the roadshow project.

Of course, no one knows the customer better than the agency. We obviously know our vehicles down to the smallest detail. What is the procedure ? Our internal branding department provides you with exact detailed plans to scale. Then the agency can work out a creative design in consultation with the client and their 'company guidelines'.

Once the project is concrete, our in-house designer will have intense communication with the agency to adjust the creative design to the specific circumstances of the vehicle where necessary.

In this way we achieve the ideal interplay and result between the creative and the possibilities of the vehicle. Of course, we meticulously ensure that the image is optimal both during the transportation of the promotional vehicle and at the event itself.

We discuss furnishing of the promotional vehicle together with our interior architects and with particular attention and respect for the customer's budget. Do we go for a short term rental for fixtures and furniture for rent ? We have in house an important rental stock of furniture and technology such as TV, Wi-Fi routers, generator, mobile air conditioning units, ...

Or does the budget and especially the specific requirements and wishes of the customer allow for premium customization ? Our in-house interior design team works daily on the most luxurious projects in terms of dressings, bathroom furniture, kitchens and knows our vehicles inside out.

Indeed, furniture designed to be placed in a moving vehicle requires a thorough knowledge of the material and specific environment of a promotional vehicle.

Shoemaker stick to your last is always our credo. We do ourselves what we excel at. We rely on a select group of partners and subcontractors in specific target areas.

Catering is obviously a profession in its own right. We have already worked with various parties at our various European road shows. From a simple food truck to the most prestigious buffet. We will gladly put you in contact with these partners who also know the ins and outs of a roadshow. After all, it's all about teamwork.

Our driver/project manager is in charge of getting the vehicle from A to B. This seems simpler than it is. Here we have to take into account the legal driving and resting times, height of the vehicle, weight of the vehicle, finding suitable and safe parking along the way.

Also, our driver / project manager is responsible for setting up the vehicle at the location chosen by the agency and the client in the most optimal setting.

Along the way, we will drive by a Truck wash selected by us whose driver/project manager has a data base.

Our services to the agency go as far as booking a suitable hotel with safe parking accommodation for the truck. After all, no one wishes to find the promotional vehicle back the day after full of graffiti or damage. Our selection usually goes to a correct and neat 3-star hotel so that the driver can hit the road the following day refreshed and fit, but above all safe.

As an agency, do you prefer to book the hotel yourself ? No problem ! We prefer that our driver / project manager becomes an integral part of your team in consultation and cooperation with your appointed director. This only benefits the team spirit.

Check out our white paper (PDF)!

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