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Customized interior design

Of course, a hospitality trailer requires a completely different set-up than a unit you want to use for a training or as a stage trailer. Xtreme Concepts Roadshows will always take care of a suitable interior, within your budget and objectives, both for short- and long-term rental and purchase.

We can work with our personalized interior, find a budget-friendly solution with our furniture rental partner or even create a combination with your own (stand) furniture. Xtreme Concepts is part of “The Roadshow Architect Group”.

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Check out our portfolio (PDF)!

In our portfolio you will find numerous completed projects, an even broader overview of our range, and some testimonials. Some of the projects in our book have not been shown anywhere else! Take a look into our world and let us take you to our cleanest designs. This is what we do, this is what we do best.

Request your quote now and our team will contact you soon!

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